We are committed to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and place particular importance on the rights of the International Bill of Human Rights as well as the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization ("ILO").

Human Rights

As participant in the United Nations Global Compact, we are committed to support human rights, respect the rights of employees and their representatives, and protecting the environment.
Accordingly, we are committed to preventing human rights violations from occurring with regard to our own employees and our business partners - in particular our direct suppliers.
We reaffirm our commitment in our Declaration of Principles on Social Responsibility and Human Rights. This forms the basis for how we realize our social responsibility and describes our approach to respect and support human rights at Daimler Truck. The Declaration of Principles complements our commitment to respect human rights from our Daimler Truck Code of Conduct.
Our ambition
We are strongly committed to respect and support human rights and we expect the same from our business partners throughout the value chain.
As one of the world’s largest commercial vehicle manufacturers, Daimler Truck is an important part of the economy and society. Correspondingly, we have a great social responsibility – especially regarding the rights of people, which we are strongly committed to respect and support. One thing is for sure: Human rights are an indispensable cornerstone for successful cooperation, mutual trust and the sustainable success of our company.

Our Path
We rely on a systematic approach to fulfill our human rights due diligence obligations through our Human Rights Compliance Management System (Human Rights CMS). The Human Rights CMS relates to our Group companies and majority shareholdings, as well as to our value chain. It is based on requirements of applicable laws and internationally recognized standards such as the Guiding Principles of the United Nations, which form the basis for regulatory and legislative requirements for business and human rights worldwide.
Human Rights Compliance Management System

Complaints procedure
Human Rights in the Supply Chain

Our progress so far
In view of our commitment to respect and support human rights, we have already implemented various measures, inter alia:
- Appointment of the Chief Legal & Compliance Officer as Human Rights Officer.
- Adaptation of the Human Rights Compliance Management System to new regulatory requirements – for example, to the requirements of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (SCDDA). Further details on our processes and measures for implementing the SCDDA can be found in the reports of the Daimler Truck Group.
- Development of a web-based expert training course on human rights in order to highlight the relevance of the topic in everyday working life.
- Joining the "Responsible Trucking" initiative of CSR Europe as a member company, to make a contribution to improving the working conditions for truck drivers.
Our next steps
As part of our Human Rights CMS, we focus on the following topics:
- To continuously develop our Human Rights CMS and perform a comprehensive Human Rights risk assessment.
- To continuously focus on the assessment of our raw material supply chains, as part of our Human Rights due diligence.
- To continue to raise awareness among our employees with trainings on Human Rights, to give them a basic understanding of the contents of corporate Human Rights due diligence and social responsibility.