Where can I get shares in Daimler Truck Holding AG (hereinafter referred to as „Daimler Truck shares“)? What is the purpose of the share register and how is inspection regulated? Here you will find answers to these and other questions about the share.

about Daimler Truck shares and dividend
Where can I get Daimler Truck shares?
Where can I get Daimler Truck shares?
The Daimler Truck share (stock exchange symbol DTG; ISIN DE 000 DTR0CK8) is a no-par-value registered share. The share is admitted to trading on the regulated market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and is traded there. It is also traded on several domestic and foreign stock exchanges. You can purchase the share through banks and brokers.
What is the purpose of the Daimler Truck share register?
The shareholders of Daimler Truck Holding AG are recorded in the share register. The share register is updated daily in accordance with stock exchange trading. Daimler Truck Holding AG can contact directly the shareholders recorded in its share register, e.g. when inviting them to the Annual General Meeting. If a shareholder is not personally recorded in the share register, but his bank is recorded instead, the bank will provide him with the information.
What are the rules for inspecting the share register?
Each shareholder is entitled to inspect his/her respective data stored in the share register. Inspection will be possible at the Company's offices in Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany, or online using the InvestorPortal for shareholders.
What should be considered when buying/selling Daimler Truck shares with regard to the share register?
The share of Daimler Truck Holding AG is a no-par value registered share. This means that the respective holders of the shares are recorded in the company's share register. Since all shares of the company are held in collective custody, the transfer is made by selling and updating the shareholdings in the custodian bank system. As a rule, the corresponding correction in the share register takes place automatically. In relation to Daimler Truck Holding AG, the person entered in the share register is deemed to be the shareholder. The shareholder is generally obliged to provide the company with the details for the share register, including the name, date of birth and the address of the shareholder as well as the number of shares.
Until when can I trade my shares before the Annual General Meeting?
It is always possible to buy and sell shares in Daimler Truck Holding AG before the (Annual) General Meeting. There is no deposit date and no selling block. However, only those shareholders who are entered in the share register on the day of the general meeting and who have registered in due time are entitled to participate in the general meeting and to exercise their voting rights. The number of shares entered in the share register on the day of the general meeting is decisive for exercising voting rights. For technical reasons, however, no changes will be made in the share register a few days before the general meeting. Therefore, the entry status in the share register on the day of the general meeting corresponds to the status after the last change. The beginning and end of the re-registration-stop will be specified in the respective convocation documents.
Is it possible to obtain effective Daimler Truck share certificates?
No, individual Daimler Truck share certificates will not be issued. All shares of the company are securitized by certificates, which are held in the collective custody of Clearstream Banking AG. A claim to individual securitization of the shares held is excluded in the Articles of Incorporation of the company.
When is the dividend paid out?
In accordance with Art. 58 par. 4 sentence 2 Stock Corporation Act (AktG), the claim to payment of the dividend is due on the third banking day after the Annual General Meeting.
What is Daimler Truck's dividend policy?
It is intended to pay an annual dividend of 40% to 60% of the group’s consolidated net profit attributable to the Daimler Truck shareholders.
When is the share quoted ex dividend?
The share price is quoted ex dividend on the first business day after the Annual General Meeting.
By when do I have to have bought shares to be entitled to a dividend?
You must have purchased the shares (ISIN: DE 000 DTR0CK8) on the day of the Annual General Meeting at the latest in order to receive the dividend after the Annual General Meeting. There is no minimum holding period before or after the Annual General Meeting. There may be deviations in the case of an over the counter purchase. Only the seller of the shares can inform you about this.
Who do I contact if I have questions about the dividend payment?
The shares of Daimler Truck Holding AG are held in collective custody; please contact your relationship/custodian bank where the share deposit is held. Shareholders who hold their shares through American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC (AST) may contact AST if they have any questions. The Information Agent for the offer is:
D.F. King & Co., Inc.
48 Wall Street
New York, NY 10005
Banks and Brokers Call Collect: (212) 269-5550
All Others Please Call Toll-Free: (800) 769-4414 -
What is important with regard to dividends and capital gains?
I. Domestic shareholders
(a) Taxation of Dividends
The dividend paying bank withholds a capital gain tax of 26.375% on the gross dividend of Daimler Truck Holding AG (= 25% capital gain tax + 5.5% solidarity surcharge on 25% capital gain tax).The capital gain tax deduction generally has a final effect, i.e. the dividends are no longer included in the shareholders' income tax assessment.
As of January 1, 2015, church tax on investment income must also be withheld together with the capital gain tax if the shareholder belongs to a religious community that levies church tax.
If a so-called non-assessment certificate or a sufficient exemption order is available, the dividend will be paid out without deduction.
If the shareholder has not issued an exemption order for investment income to his custodian bank or has not submitted a non-assessment certificate, but the conditions for such an order are met, a refund could be applied within the income tax return of the shareholder.
(b) Taxation of gains from the sale of shares
If the shareholder sells Daimler Truck shares, any gain realized in the process is subject to capital gain tax, i.e. the domestic custodian bank withholds a capital gain tax of 26.375% (KESt + solidarity surcharge) (plus church tax, if applicable) on the gain from the sale. The capital gain tax deduction has a final effect, i.e. the capital gains are generally no longer included in the shareholder's income tax assessment.The capital gain tax applies regardless any holding period of the shares - unlike in the past (speculation period of 1 year).
(c) Losses from the disposal of shares
Losses from the sale of Daimler Truck shares can be offset against gains from the sale of shares for tax purposes.
II. Foreign Shareholders
(a) Dividends
Similar to domestic shareholders, the dividend-paying bank withhold a capital gain tax of 26.375% (KESt + solidarity surcharge) on the gross dividend. The dividend is taxable in the shareholder's home country according to the rules applicable there. If applicable, the capital gains tax paid in Germany can be credited in full or in part against the income tax assessed abroad.The shareholder may be entitled to a partial refund of the capital gain tax in Germany if a lower tax rate than 26.375% is agreed on dividends in a double taxation agreement between Germany and the shareholder's home country.
A written application is generally required for relief from capital gain tax.
Creditors with investment income from free float holdings must take into account some special features if the investment income received as of January 1, 2017 is subject to a lower tax rate than 15% under a double taxation agreement or other bilateral agreement.
Further information on this can be downloaded from the website of the German Federal Central Tax Office (www.bzst.bund.de).
(b) Capital gains/losses
If the shareholder sells shares - irrespective of the acquisition date - any gain realized in the process is not subject to capital gain tax, i.e. the domestic custodian bank does not withhold any capital gain tax on the capital gain. The prerequisite is that the shareholder is recognized by the custodian bank as a foreign shareholder, i.e. that his account data identify him as a foreign shareholder.Capital gains/losses are taxable in the shareholder's home country according to the rules applicable there.
The above statements are only general information and do not constitute tax advice. The comments reflect our interpretation of the relevant currently applicable tax laws. For further information, we recommend obtaining tax advice in individual cases.
Information on the share price development can be found on the Daimler Truck share overview page..
Dividends and taxation
What is Daimler Truck Holding AG's dividend policy? And what is important with regard to dividends and capital gains? Here are answers to frequently asked questions.
General information on dividends can be found on the dividend page.
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The annual reports and interim reports can be found in the Section Financial calendar.