Daimler Truck

Analyst Coverage

The following sell-side analysts track and cover the Daimler Truck share on a regular basis:

Bank of America -
Barclays Dagorne, Erwann
Berenberg -
Bernstein Cunliffe, Daniel
BNP Paribas Exane Borrega, Miguel
Citi Bergelind, Klas
Deutsche Bank Kempf, Nicolai​
DZ Bank AG Research Schmidt, Holger
Goldman Sachs Costa, Daniela
HSBC​ Day, Jonathan
Jefferies Aspinall, Michael
JP Morgan Asumendi, Jose
Kepler Cheuvreux Raab, Michael
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg Biller, Frank
Morgan Stanley Kirunda, Shaqeal
MWB Research Wohjahn, Oliver
ODDO BHF Dick, Anthony
RBC Capital Housden, Nick
Stifel​ Wahl, Alexander
Warburg Research Hoelscher, Fabio
(Conditions: October 16, 2024)

Note: This list may not be complete and may change from time to time. We update the list periodically, but undertake no obligation to do so. Any opinions, estimates or forecasts made by these analysts on Daimler Truck's performance are not opinions, forecasts or predictions of Daimler Truck or its management. By providing the list above, Daimler Truck does not imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations. Copies of reports by any of the listed analysts must be requested directly from the analysts or their firms. Daimler Truck can not distribute such reports.