Our Daimler Truck environmental policy of consists of six guidelines which declare that environmental protection is one of the main corporate objectives of the Daimler Truck Group. It is our self-commitment to an integrated improvement process with respect to environmental protection and energy utilization.

Daimler Truck Environmental Policy
For Daimler Truck, environmental protection means to be active in the fields of climate change mitigation1 and adaptation, resource preservation, energy efficiency, pollution prevention, water, waste, energy as well as hazardous material management. Our contribution to circular economy and biodiversity is also of particular importance. We are committed to identify further environmental challenges in the context of the regular double materiality assessment.
Environmental Guideline 1: We address the environmental challenges of the future.
Compliance with environmental legislation, regulations and other requirements is a matter of course for the Daimler Truck Group. Beyond this, we proactively and continuously develop solutions for all environmental challenges, that are or will become material for our products, our production, and our supply chain.
To this end, we devise strategic and operational goals in the fields of climate change mitigation and adaptation, decarbonization, energy efficiency, pollution prevention, efficient use of natural resources, circular economy and biodiversity. To ensure transparency on our performance and the implementation status of our goals, we consequently work on the improvement of our data quality and the availability of needed information and resources.
We also contribute with our expertise to non-corporate scientific, technical, and governmental activities. Our Environmental Policy including our guidelines must be applied by all employees of the Daimler Truck Group and at all locations of the corporation, particular responsibility rests with managers at all hierarchical levels.
Environmental Guideline 2: We develop products that are environmentally friendly over the whole life cycle and contribute to sustainable transportation.
Our approach to environmentally friendly product design covers all products of the Daimler Truck Group in all stages of the life cycle, from the design and development, production, over the use phase until end of life and reuse. Continuously improving the environmental performance of our products by recognizing the needs of resource efficiency, elimination of hazardous substances, circular economy and zero emissions is a major point of emphasis in our research and development activities. The Daimler Truck Group is committed to research in different technologies to enhance this transformation towards products that are emission-free and developed based on the principles of circular economy. To demonstrate this, we analyze the whole life cycle of our products and deliver transparency by publishing respective information on their environmental footprint.
Environmental Guideline 3: We constantly reduce the environmental impacts of our operations and strive for a clean and green production.
We consider ourselves as a leader in the development and implementation of production technologies that are environmentally friendly. We constantly increase the use of renewable energies and energy efficient processes to consequently reduce our CO₂-emissions to a minimum. In the context of a responsible use of energy resources, the Daimler Truck Group especially considers the economic feasibility, security of energy supplies and quality of the utilities, when purchasing resources as well as planning and operating production facilities and buildings.
In our daily operations we take provisions to prevent and minimize pollution. In production we close material loops and minimize waste generation and water usage, wherever possible. Our long-term goal is a resource-optimized production, which is CO₂-neutral, follows the principle of circular economy and reduces consequently the use of harmful substances. We also strive for contribution to the preservation of biodiversity and minimization of our impacts on water resources.
We monitor and track our efforts for a clean and green production by consequently collecting and evaluating our environmental performance data. We also set environmental targets which are internally approved and steered by management top down on all levels. Implementation status is regularly reported to all management boards.
We require our suppliers and contractual partners to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and encourage them to pursue proactive environmentally friendly and resource-efficient practices, aligned with our own ambitions. Partners working on Daimler Truck premises must comply with the location’s own standards and requirements. The expectations towards suppliers are stipulated in the Daimler Truck Business Partner Standards.
Environmental Guideline 4: We offer our customers comprehensive service and information on the environmental life-cycle of our products.
We strive to offer the right technology to meet customer needs and support them to reduce the environmental impact when using our products. Therefore, we provide our customers with products designed to be environmentally friendly and which are manufactured with efficient resourcing in mind. To help customers better understand all environmental impact related aspects, we carry out and publish environmental life cycle assessments. These cover the whole life cycle and give comprehensive and transparent information on resource consumption, CO2-footprint, recyclability of our products and recovery of materials. In our service centers, our customers get environmentally friendly solutions, advice on energy-efficient use and expert services during the use phase of the product.
Environmental Guideline 5: Our ambition is to deliver exemplary environmental performance worldwide.
Through forward-looking and globally responsible environmental and energy management, our ambition is to deliver exemplary environmental performance worldwide. We support and promote the establishment of structures and management techniques at our locations that extend environmental protection, including pollution prevention, climate change mitigation and adaptation, energy efficiency, resource preservation and biodiversity beyond our plant’s boundaries. Our supply chain is part of our sustainability efforts. We strive to raise the awareness of our suppliers and support them on our path to greater environmental protection in the supply chain.
In addition, we collaborate with public initiatives, associations and authorities on projects for environmentally friendly solutions in terms of sharing our industry specific expertise.
Environmental Guideline 6: We provide our employees and stakeholders with comprehensive information on environmental performance and specific commitments.
We openly provide transparent and continuous information on our environmental protection measures and achievements as well as challenges in the fields of climate change mitigation and adaptation, decarbonization, energy efficiency, pollution prevention, efficient use of natural resources, circular economy and biodiversity to motivate our employees and to create credibility in the general public. The Daimler Truck Group leverages the available tools of personnel development, employee training and information to transform general environmental awareness into specific employee commitment and behavior.
As a member of the society, the Daimler Truck Group actively seeks dialog with the public and welcomes constructive partnerships with all groups of society, e. g. in joining voluntary self-commitments of industrial, scientific or non-governmental associations. In addition to its own activities, the Daimler Truck Group promotes initiatives in society to protect and conserve the environment. Employees, customers and the general public are provided with the information they need to understand the environmental impact of the Daimler Truck Group's products and corporate activities.
1 Contribution to climate mitigation includes activities which contribute substantially to the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. This shall be fulfilled through process or product innovations, by generating, transmitting, storing, distributing or using renewable energy; improving energy efficiency; establishing energy infrastructure required for enabling the decarbonization of energy systems; producing clean and efficient fuels from renewable or carbon-neutral sources.